Are There Any YA Novels About Bipolar Disorder?

Demi Lovato, Disney teen actress and pop star, recently completed three months of in-patient therapy. She has recently started opening up to the public about her issues and healing process, and has joined Seventeen as a contributing editor.

After news broke that Catherine Zeta Jones spent five days being treated for bipolar II disorder, Demi Lovato also announced to People that she is bipolar, and that it was one of the things she discovered and dealt with in therapy.

I can’t say I’m a fan of Demi Lovato as I am not very familiar with any of her work, but I do support her decision to tell the world about her personal struggle. I usually think people should stay private, that celebrities don’t need to share as much as they do (keep some mystique, people), but I think this is something that it is especially important for kids and teens to hear about. It is not shameful to be bipolar, and more people struggle with the illness than most of us realize. I have two very close friends who have struggled with it their entire lives, and I have witnessed some of the things they have gone through.

Teens should know about bipolar disorder. Those who have it, or who think they might have it, should definitely not feel alone. They should not feel ashamed. There appear to be a few nonfiction books about the subject available for young adults, but what about YA novels that include characters with this mental illness? Unfortunately, the Library of Congress website is stalling on my search today. If you know of any great books out there with bipolar characters, post a comment! And if there aren’t any books like this, I hope a great author writes one soon.

On Hold

There are quite a few recently-published young adult and middle grade novels that I’m hoping to read in the next month or so. Unfortunately, 95% of them are already checked out from every branch of my library system, and I had to put them on hold. My hold list is getting quite long.

But rather than let this rile me up, I choose to be ecstatic about it. I am thrilled that all of these books are being checked out. It means there is still a very healthy book-reading young population out there, and that books for young people are highly valued. As a fan of children’s literature, I am happy to know that I am a part of a very large fan community, composed of people of all ages and backgrounds.

I believe in supporting publishers, bookstores, and libraries. If I wanted to, I could go down to my local bookstore and purchase some of these books for myself, without having to wait for them to be returned to the library and put on a shelf for me. But the fun thing about putting books on hold is that I never know when I may get an email telling me that a book is ready for me to pick up. It’s like a surprise party whenever that happens. And in the meantime, I’ve had a chance to reread some of the books in my possession: Charmed Life by Diana Wynne Jones (see my previous posts about that author), The House of the Scorpion by Nancy Farmer, and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (stay tuned for part two of the film adaptation, to be released on July 15; see a teaser trailer below).

And while I was writing this, some good news: I’m off to the library to pick up Akata Witch by Nnedi Okorafor-Mbachu from the hold shelf.

And here, the HP7P2 teaser trailer mentioned above:

Junior Library Guild Newsletter

This just in: JLG Monthly is now available to non-members as well as members. I love following Junior Library Guild on facebook to see what they’re recommending, and I can’t wait to start getting more information every month. If you’re a librarian and you’ve never heard of the Junior Library Guild, you should definitely check them out!

JLG Monthly, a colorful e-newsletter from Junior Library Guild, informs members of their forthcoming books, provides news about special offers, new products and services, and contains an intriguing library industry article.

Sign up here.

New Stephenie Meyer Book in the Works

Last week, Publishers Lunch cited an article from USA Today mentioning Stephenie Meyer’s current work-in-progress.

Stephenie Meyer revealed some details about the as-yet-untitled novel she’s reportedly working on: “It’s a fantasy that takes place in another world where people are using bows and arrows and swords. There’s a little bit of magic, but it’s a very limited form of magic. The characters are human, and some have the ability to use magic and some don’t. It’s pretty dark. People die. The main character is a 17-year-old girl, and she’s kind of cool.”

The full article includes many more tidbits from the Twilight author.

On Shelves: Red Glove

The second in an ongoing series by Holly Black, Red Glove is now on shelves. I just finished the first book, White Cat, a few weeks ago, having received a copy from one of my publishing insider friends. The series (Curse Workers) is dark and dystopian, and includes magical talents in certain people that may have been misunderstood and misused for centuries.

White Cat is definitely a page-turner; it throws you right into a shocking mystery from page one. I read it in two sittings (because, you know, real life interrupts sometimes). Can’t wait to get my hands on Red Glove!